Prayer Requests

Please inform the church office of any needed corrections, additions to or deletions from our prayer list.
Jean Frye 
Shirley Heckrote            
Jean Fallbright            
Bob & Pat Hall                
Betsy Fisher            
George Welch                
Frank Gaval                              
Rodney Heckert
Pauline Baymor                
Tom Cvammen            
Anita Urso                
Alex Yazwinsky 
Tom Chegwidden
Patti Kisenwether 
Dick Bernstein                
Bob Broadt 
Gene Bond 
Donna Broadt
Doug Jordan
Charlotte Silvette
Paul & Dorothy Heckrote  
Rob Andrews
Peter Lengella 
Kristen Brown
Lori Shaffer
Gail Roberts
Pastor Wayne Lupole
Carter/Lexxi Family
Charlene Cramer 
Helen Roth
Albert & Jackie Wolk & family 
Violet Lockwood 
Rob Lockwood 
Justin Kilte
Todd Amo
Doug Fisher
Les ‘Dutch’ Fickner  
Carl Rittenhouse
Juergen Friedrich  
Rich Crawford
Byrne Nenstiel                       
Patt Derr                                                                                                 
Dennis Mallams            
Viola Geibel                                                           
Kim Houseknecht
Eileen Milheim
Emily Smith
Jarrod Smith
Amanda Skalla
Dawn Whitfield
Sam Pulsifer
Michaela Coolbaugh

A copy of the prayer list is on the bulletin board in the parlor for you to take home.
