News and Announcements:    

Calendar of Events for the Week of March 9, 2025:
Monday - 5:30pm - Karate; 7:00pm - Congregation Council
Tuesday - 1:00pm - Willing Workers; 7:00pm - Casting Our Nets
Wednesday - 6:00pm - Lenten Covered Dish/Devotions
Thursday - 9:00am - Apple Fest Crafts; 1:00pm - Choir Rehearsal; 5:30pm - Karate; 7:00pm - Bible Study
Friday -      
Saturday - 7:00am to 11:00am - Kiwanis Breakfast   

WEDNESDAY NIGHT LENTEN GATHERINGS - Everyone is invited to Wednesday evening Lenten gatherings in Roth Hall. The evening starts at 6:00 PM with a ‘covered dish’ or ‘potluck’ dinner followed by time for discussion, devotions and brief worship. Our topic will be the ‘I Am’ statements.
BIBLE STUDIES - Our Wednesday night Bible Study will move to Thursdays during Lent. Meeting time is 7pm-8pm. We are beginning 1st Kings and reading about the kings of Israel. We will be in the parlor. Our group focusses on reading the Bible from start to finish and discussing it. Join us and hear God’s word.

Wednesday morning Bible Studies are the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 11am. We are using the workbook on ‘The Christian Walk.  

STEPHEN MINISTRY SUPERVISION - will meet Monday March 17th at 1PM.

WILLING WORKERS - The Willing Workers will meet on Tuesday, March 11 at 1:00 pm.  We will have ‘Show and Tell’ after our meeting.  Members are encouraged to bring a special, meaningful item and share their story about it.  All women of the church are invited.  For more information, contact Deb Jones at 570-233-7675 or
APRIL NEWSLETTER - Please note the deadline for all articles, information, etc. for the April newsletter is March 16th!!  
FIRST COMMUNION INSTRUCTION CLASSES - Instruction classes for students in 2nd grade and older if you have not yet received your First Communion will be held on Sundays March 16th, 23rd & 30th during Sunday School time. First Holy Communion will be administered to those young people on Palm Sunday April 13th at the 10:45am worship service. Please see or get in touch with Cindy for more information or any queations you have.
HELP MAKE MINI PALM CROSSES - Come to church early on April 6th at 9:30am and gather in Roth Hall downstairs to make mini palm crosses, If you do not already know how to make a cross, there will be someone there to teach you.
Theses crosses will be given out on Palm Sunday to those attending church to help us observe this special day and in preparation for Holy Week. They can also be given to family and friends along with an invitation to join us for worship here at Christ Lutheran Church.
Please note that there is only one opportunity to make the crosses – during Sunday School time.

THANK YOU! - Thanks for your generous contributions of personal care items for the Valley Food Pantry last month. During February, the month of love, we all put our love of others into action! Thank you!
LENTEN GIVING - Lent is a great time to be more mindful and deliberate about our acts of charity and going beyond our usual giving.  Please consider joining others of our congregation in collecting some needed items for the Willow Foundation’s Heartwood Center.  The staff, volunteers and members are very grateful for our support and care for them.    
The Heartwood Center’s Wish List is as follows: 

•    Disposable Razors
•    Disinfectant Wipes and spray
•    Coffee (Hot Drink) cups
•    Powdered Coffee Creamer
•    Feminine Hygiene products
•    Men’s Deodorant
•    Facial Tissues
•    Aluminum Foil 
•    Large Garbage Bags
•    Pill containers (days of the week)
To donate these important supplies, please place them in the collection bin in the parlor.  Please contact Brother Fred if you have any questions or have other items to donate.  

BEAR CREEK CAMP - Registration for Summer Camp is now open. See the poster on the bulletin board in the parlor for dates and take an information packet that shows costs, phone, e-mail and other information. Financial help is offered to campers from our congregation (see Cindy).
CASTING OUR NETS MINISTRY - The next gathering of the Casting Our Nets ministry group will be on Tuesday March 11th at 7PM.
THRIVENT MEMBERS - Your Choice Dollars need to be distributed by March 31st.
VALLEY FOOD PANTRY EASTER BASKETS - We have been asked to cranberry sauce. Coffee and tea are always needed, too. Please place these specific donations on the table in the parlor (not the grocery cart). The Food Pantry is currently serving 50 families. Donations are needed by April 6th!

COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE - American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held here on Tuesday March 18th from 1pm-6pm. Call 1 - 800-RED CROSS (1-800 - 733-2767 or visit and enter: Conyngham to schedule an appointment. Also see the scans on the poster on the bulletin board in the vestibule. 
SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED!! - We are in need of Sunday School teachers for grades Pre-K through 2nd Grade and 5th & 6th grades. All material is provided. A sign-up sheet is on the table in the parlor with open dates. Please prayerfully consider helping in this important ministry. Since the previous sign-up sheet was never found, a new one is in place. Please re-sign for the Sundays you had committed to or volunteer for empty spaces. Dates open for PreK-2: March 16; May 11, 18, 25. Dates open for 5th & 6th are March 16, 30; April 13 & 27; May 4, 18 & 25.
LENTEN LUNCH/DEVOTIONS - The Conyngham Methodist is sponsoring Lenten Lunch/Devotions each Wednesday at Noon during Lent beginning March 12th. The community is invited to attend.
WILLING WORKERS INDOOR YARD SALE SPRING FLING - This event will take place on Saturday March 29th from 9am-2pm. Here is how it works: Congregation members may purchase a table for $10. You MUST STAY at your table and sell your items. The proceeds are yours to keep. Unsold items may be donated to the Apple Fest Flea Market in October (except clothing, books and electronics that you had at your table). Food will be available for sale and a bake sale will be held. Donations of baked goods are appreciated. Several vendor/crafters will have displays (TBA).

For more information or to reserve a table call or the church office at 570-788-1572 or see the sign-up sheet on the table in the parlor. as soon as possible as space is limited. PLEASE NOTE- ONLY those sponsoring a table may bring items. NO other items will be accepted!!

2025 FLOWERS AND BULLETIN SPONSOR CHARTS ARE AVAILABLE - Look for the sign-up charts on the bulletin board in the parlor to choose your dates to sponsor. Special flower pieces need to be ordered through the office (i.e. altar piece).

NEED A RIDE? - Would you like to come to church or go to a church event but are unable to get there on your own, especially at night? Please call Betsy Fisher (570-788-6611) if you would be interested in getting a ride, Church members have volunteered to offer this service.
LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE - LDR is asking for gifts to help with the recent hurricanes. Checks may be out to the church and marked LDR. A special request has been made for the Los Angeles wildfires. 100% of all money donated goes directly to help those in need!! 

Stephen Ministry is available to every adult in our church community.  For care receivers, Stephen Ministry can provide:
•  Comfort and support. Stephen Ministers are there to listen, offer encouragement and pray with care receivers.
•  Hope and healing. Stephen Ministry can help care receivers find hope and healing during difficult times.
•  A sense of community. Stephen Ministry can help care receivers feel better connected to their church community.

If you are going through a challenging time, or if you know someone who is, please contact Deb Jones or Pastor Cindy. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to bring God’s love and care to those in need. It’s a great way for you to show how much you care! 


* COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE - American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held here on Tuesday March 18th from 1pm-6pm. Call 1_800-RED CROSS (1-800_733-2767 or visit and enter "Conyngham" to schedule an appointment. Also see the scans on the poster on the bulletin board in the vestibule
* ST. JOHN BOSCO MUSIC MINISTRY - All are welcome! St. John Bosco Church, Conyngham, is hosting a Lenten Mission retreat on Saturday, March 29th, 2025. Sarah Hart, a Grammy-nominated songwriter, composer, producer, and worship leader, will lead the, “Into the Desert” retreat from 9 am to noon. The retreat will offer faith-focused reflections and Sarah’s inspirational music. Tickets are $25 and include a continental breakfast and luncheon. At 6 PM on Sunday, March 30, Sarah will perform a free concert at the church. Voluntary donations are welcomed to support the SJB Music Ministry. For registration or inquiries, contact Jen Gerhard, SJB Choir Director,  at or Joanne Oakum at To learn more about Sarah visit  

* DRUMS LIONESS LIONS CLUB EVENT - Embrace the excitement of the Kentucky Derby! Join the Drums Lioness Lions Club for a “Run for the Roses” Afternoon Tea & Tricky Tray Fundraiser on Sunday, April 27, 2025 at Sand Springs Country Club in Drums. Don't miss an afternoon of Kentucky charm, festive fun, and fantastic prizes—all for a great cause! Derby-style attire is encouraged !For ticket information, contact Raffael Billet at 570-578-6390 or Lorna Veglia at 570-436-1937

SYNOD NEWS - Click Here! for weekly news from the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod. 
